In this section you find all the upcoming opportunities to broaden your horizons and make a positive impact on the world. This space is dedicated to connect you to meaningful volunteer programs, internships and international exchanges.

Discover the skills you need to regenerate our soils and our economies. Team up with students from different backgrounds and help farmers around Europe to make their farms future proof.

The program is designed to equip you with the skills you need to start your own sustainable business. We have prepared an online course for you where you can access all these materials. It includes:

  • Competences for sustainable entrepreneurship
  • Ecological know-how on why and how to bring dead soils back to life
  • Step-by-step guide to start your own agro-business

You will bring this knowledge into practice by helping a farmer in his or her journey towards more sustainable farming. You will do this in a team with students from different backgrounds, both from vocational education (MBO) and higher education (HBO/WO). In this way you will learn how to approach societal challenges with tangible solutions while taking the complexity of the issues into account. 

Besides, you will gain skills for international collaboration and networking. In total there will be three international teams enrolled in the ReGen program. Participating countries are The Netherlands, Italy and Romania. Each national team will work on a farmer case from their own region. We will meet each other for one week in Florence to exchange ideas and get to know each other. 

The program focusses on the context of sustainable agriculture. However, all the skills you will learn in the program can be applied to starting any sustainable business. 

This program includes:

  • An online learning course about the competences for sustainable entrepreneurship and regenerative agriculture. The online course will be available in July
  • A local kick-off at the farm in September
  • A fully covered 5-day training course in Florence, Italy from 21-25 of October.
  • Final event in December
  • Individual and team coaching throughout the program

The ReGen project has a workload of 1 hour of self-study/team work per week on average.  

Besides this there will be a bi-weekly coaching session (both individual and with your team) of 1.5 hours.

Other than that you are expected to join the physical events:

  • The kick-off at the farm in September (date TBA)
  • The training course in Florence on October 21-25
  • The local final event in December (date TBA)

Besides an unforgettable experience, you will receive a Youth Pass for your participation in the project. The Youth Pass is a learning certificate that is recognized by the EU.

Your participation fee is fully covered by the Erasmus+ program. You only invest your time and talent.

This project is about stimulating the dialogue between youngsters from different countries about the challenge of SDG’s and make them deeply involved in concrete actions to the achievement of the Goals, in order to contribute to the future we want for us and for future generations.

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